‘The only impossible journey is the one you never begin’ – Tony Robbins
Self Work
PODCAST – Robin Sharma – Jay Shetty. On Purpose.
‘The way you begin the day sets up the way the day unfolds and consistently great mornings cascade into amazingly great days, great days build great weeks, great weeks build great months…’ – Robin Sharma (Author of The 5am Club and The Monk Who Sold His Ferarri).
This podcast unpacks some incredible insight into the purpose behind specific ‘habits’ or morning rituals that can give you a significant edge over the rest of your day. Robin Sharma unpacks his methods and offers some great actionable routines that you can implement from the comfort of your own home (or in at One Movement) to start your day off on the front foot and leave negativity and uncertainty behind. Enjoy the listen!
News @ One Movement
Habit and Mindset Reset Discussions
Recently we have been working with a few clients around their ‘lifestyle design’. This aspect of One Movement is something we hope can evolve as we grow. It encompases a broad spectrum of aspects that can have huge impacts on our day to day lives.
Please don’t hesitate to follow this up and organise a time to review your current situation and areas you would like to develop further in your own well-being journey.
Below is the survey we use to begin the discussion, please feel free to fill it out and let us know if you would like to organise an appointment to discuss it any further.
Habit and Mindset Check-in Form
Enjoy your week,
Andre, Ryan and Gus – One Movement.